Marlies Wakkee


Marlies Wakkee is a dermatologist and mohs surgeon at the Erasmus Cancer Institute/Erasmus MC Rotterdam.

The Erasmus MC is among the largest MMS centers in Europe, with approximately 1200 MMS procedures annually.

After finishing her dermatology training in May 2015 including the mohs training, she has joined the Mohs faculty and performs mohs on a weekly basis.

Due to intense collaboration with the oculoplastic surgeon, she has further subspecialised herself into periocular MMS and reconstructions.

Furthermore, due to the increasingly complex dermato-oncological care at the Erasmus MC, she also conducts a weekly consultation hour together with the plastic surgeon, regularly discusses patients at multidisciplinary settings and also is also familiar with vismodegib for those with inoperable and metastasized basal cell carcinomas.